The Coroner (Procurator Fiscal in Scotland)
The main duties of the Coroner are to investigate all sudden and unexpected deaths and also to give permission to remove a deceased person out of England and Wales if this is necessary.
Once a death has been reported to the Coroner he/she will decide what action is necessary following initial investigations of the facts surrounding the death by his/her officers. This may include a post-mortem examination to establish the cause of death.
The Coroner will arrange the task of transferring the deceased to the local hospital, which is often done under contract using one of the big national or multi-national companies. This does not oblige the family in any way to use the services of that company. The family still have the flexibility to select whichever funeral director they require without incurring any extra cost.
In the case of unnatural, unexplained, violent, or workplace deaths the Coroner will hold an inquest after a post-mortem. This will be open to the public and is to ascertain who the deceased was, how, when and where they died and the particulars legally needed to register the death. Often an inquest can be opened and adjourned to allow the funeral to take place.
Further details on the roles and responsibilities of the Coroner are available in a pamphlet published by the Home Office entitled 'The work of the Coroner', a copy of which can be obtained from us.
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